Orders placed after 2:00pm Eastern Time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are shipped the next business day. Orders placed after 5:00pm Eastern Time on Thursday will be shipped on Monday. UPS does not pick up or deliver for us on Saturdays, Sundays, and Legal Holidays.
At ChocNsweets, the safe and secure packaging of our products, ensures your gift arrives as fresh and perfect as you'd like. If the gift does arrive damaged, for reasons out of our control, we will send you another gift at no charge.
To help get your gift delivery right, please give us the recipient's full street address. We cannot guarantee orders for which we are given an incorrect address. Please note: We don't deliver to P.O. boxes.
Due to the perishable nature of our products, we take special care to ensure delivery in perfect condition.
If the temperature at the destination exceeds 76F we require shipping using only expedited methods- 2nd DAY AIR or NEXT DAY AIR. Your items will be shipped with heat resistant packaging and gel ice. There is a $4.99 charge added to the shipping fee to cover the cost of the insulation and gel ice. (This fee is included in your shopping cart) Any order placed after 2:00 PM on Wednesday will ship on the following Monday.